[MOD] Ace Fishing: Wild Catch v1.1.9 [Lite mods]

[Image: r1JjCsWAxDriWLesoHf3M91L_L5L6oASoAv0V1BX...7CseA=h480]

Thanks to Madman for this mod. I just share his mod.


Ace Fishing: Wild Catch
Version 1.1.9 (Android)
Root Required: NO

Mods (default):
·         Too low line tension during fish fight won't trigger failure.
·         Too high line tension during fish fight won't trigger failure.
·         Exceed beyond maximum line length during fish fight won't trigger failure.
·         Automatic adjustment of fishing parameters that send to the server.
·         Automatic fish strength adjustment.
·         Automatic fish stamina adjustment.
·         Automatic fish swim away speed and distance adjustment.
·         Wild fish catch in 5 attempts.
·         Slower cast aiming movement on non-sensor mode.

Change Log:
None. This is the first release of Lite Mod version.

Play Store Link:

Download (af119_mod_apk.zip):
Download Link:
ZippyShare (fixed mod)
Archive Size: 42.6 MB
Archive Password: modded by madman

Important News
If you download the Mod APK beforeFriday, Sept 19 2014, 17:00 GMT (the filename is af119_mod_apk.zip), please re-download it again because I found a serious bug where you could stuck at endless waiting after cast your rod in Relay Fishing mode. I'm so sorry for this inconvenience.

FAQ (New Player Read This First)
·         I can't install, said it from unknown sources.
Go to your "Android System Settings", choose "Security" section, scroll down and untick "Unknown Sources" option. If you're not sure or in doubt about installing APK from unknown sources, you're in the wrong forums.
·         I can't install/update over the pre-installed one.
The modded version has different signature with your currently installed one. The case is also true with the game officially installed from the Google Play Store. You have to uninstall the current one, then install this modded version.
·         Ok uninstalled, but I don't want loosing my downloaded game data.
Before uninstalling your previous installed game, follow these steps:
o    Open your Android File Manager app.
o    Browse through these folders: [internal_sdcard] -> Android -> data
o    Find the following folder: com.com2us.acefishing.normal.freefull.google.global.android.common
o    Rename the folder, e.g: com.com2us.acefishing.normal.freefull.google.global.android.common-bak
o    Uninstall your previous game.
o    Install the modded version.
o    Rename back the folder: com.com2us.acefishing.normal.freefull.google.global.android.common
o    You're done.
·         Why I can't use may Facebook account to logged in?
Because you have already installing the Facebook for Android app on your device. If you insist to use your Facebook account (which is not in my recommendation for practical reasons), uninstall the Facebook for Android app out of your device and login authentication in the game now done through the web mechanisms.
·         Why I can't use may Google+ account to logged in?
Because the Google+ account login in this game also require access to Google Play Games' online leaderboards and achievements. Meanwhile, the Google Play Games require valid signature from the original game. In shorts, you cannot login with your Google+ acoount in this modded version of the game.
·         How to prevent my account get banned/restricted?
Using modded version of server-based games is always has such risks. There's no methods proven as the best to avoid ban/restrict to your account. It is advisable to always create a primary account managed by the game server (in the context of this game: Hive Account), then create another secondaryaccount for backup. Avoid using external social network account (Facebook, Google+, Twitter) if possible as your login account in the game. Once your account get banned, such external accounts will no use any longer to the game or to entire game network under the same game company.
·         Ok, now my account get banned. How do I switch to my secondary backup account?
Follow these steps:
o    Open your Android File Manager app.
o    Browse through these folders: [internal_sdcard] -> Android -> data -> com.com2us.acefishing.normal.freefull.google.global.android.common -> files
o    Find a folder with 10-11 digits number, e.g: 1234567890
o    Rename/delete that folder.
o    If you find other more similar folders, rename/delete them all as well.
o    If you still get banned after performing the above task, rename/delete clientuid.txtfile at the same location.
o    You're done.
·         The new update has arrives. When will the mod is available?
I don't know what "when" is.

Mod Descriptions
·         Too high line tension during fish fight won't trigger failure.
If you release the reel, the line tension will decreasing to minimum and at your lowest acceptable line tension, the screen will turned red. At that point, normally it may breaking your fishing line. This mod will prevent it to happening. (Note: this mod can be disabled.
Read further on "Lite Adjustment" section below)
·         Too high line tension during fish fight won't trigger failure.
If you reel-in too long, the line tension will increasing to maximum and at your highest acceptable line tension, the screen will turned red. At that point, normally it may breaking your fishing line. This mod will prevent it to happening. (Note: this mod can be disabled.
Read further on "Lite Adjustment" section below)
·         Exceed beyond maximum line length during fish fight won't trigger failure.
If you catch a big fish with the aggresive one, it's easy for them to swim away very fast and bring a situation where the distance of this fish reaching to your maximum line length. Beyond your line length, they will get away and breaking your line. This mod will prevent it to happening. (Note: this mod can be disabled.
Read further on "Lite Adjustment" section below)
·         Automatic adjustment of fishing parameters that send to the server.
The modded game gives you advantages to catch a fish lot easier than playing the game normally. However, the game has some counter-measures to prevent such advantages, by sending some fishing session parameters to the game server. This mod will virtually simulating normal fishing session, then overrides such parameters with the fake ones.
·         Automatic fish strength adjustment.
This mod will automatically lowering the fish strength by calculating the time taken to catch for about 30-60 seconds, regardless of your current gear being used. You may notice at the initial hit the fish strength indicator may not fully fill up the bar. (Note: in earlier map such as in Hawaii, you may notice the bar still filled up to the max even with low-grade equipment. This is normal, most of the Hawaiian fishes are inferior in their strength)
·         Automatic fish stamina adjustment.
This mod gives you easier fish to control, makes them fight less often. You may notice the fish now more calm (indicated by green icon) and less to fight back (indicated by orange and red icons).
·         Automatic fish swim away speed and distance adjustment.
This mod gives you advantage to reduce the fish distance and speed while they trying to swim away. You may notice now they won't make some distances too fast, gives you more time before they reaching your line length's limit.
·         Wild fish catch in 5 attempts.
This mod allow you to catch the wild fish within 5 attempts. In the first to fourth attempt, they will got away by breaking your line without any reason, this is normal. The mod automatically calculated the exact moment when the line should break, to maintain the 5 attempts goal by balancing the strength and time taken for each attempt. For the same reason, you may not be able to intentionally breaking the line in any possible way.

Why 5? why not less than that?
I've been perform deep tests for weeks, wasting more than 10 accounts being banned, trying from 1 attempt, 2, 3 and so on. Actually the most safer was 6-8 attempts, but I never get caught and restricted with 5. Well, at least it did no harm for about 17 days, using reasonable equipment. If you think dealing with wild fish is too risky, don't fishing with the wild one. If you insist to get less attempts, read further on "Lite Adjustment" section below.
·         Slower cast aiming movement on non-sensor mode.
This mod will reduce the aiming movement for casting. The aiming movement work only if you disable sensor mode from the game's Options screen. This mod gives you benefit of more precise aiming for perfect casting, thus gives you additional 15% big fish chance. In addition, lots of people also picking the middle and outer aim areas for some good reasons.

Play With The Wild

This section will explain how to fishing and catching the wild fish. In this scenario, assuming we use default 5 attempts to catch this kind of fish. Before starting, prepare yourself with your BEST POSSIBLE GEAR (rod and reel) to avoid unnecessary attention regarding to your fishing activity log recorded on the game server. Catching the wild one with only basic rod and reel may not seen too good to be true, right?

After you set your lure to any special lures designed for the wild fish, cast your rod for the first attempt. When the lure has been bitten, the mod will automatically adjust the wild fish strength so that you fight them within short period (usually about 30-60 seconds, depend on your fishing style). After this short fighting period, the line will intentionally break by itself. Don't be suprise as this is normal. You've done your first attempt.

Casts another tries until you hit a wild fish again. This is the same wild fish you have met in the previous hit. this is the second attempt. It will behaves exactly the same as the first one. After a short fighting period, the line will break by itself. The same behaviour will repeatly occured at the third and fourth attempts as well.

Now you know there is one last attempt left. Casts another tries until you hit the same wild fish. For now, after another short fighting period, the line won't break. Instead, you finally catch it and bring it home along with the rewards.

Lite Adjustment

Althought this modded game came with fixed adjustment, I'm offer a freedom to play with different behaviours. However, the adjustments here not as rich as my Custom Mod that gives you every customization's aspects. First of all, I will describe on how the adjustments work with this Lite Mod version.

Each adjustment is triggered by a file. This file will behaving like a switch. If they exist, it's mean the switch is ON, non-exist means OFF. That's it, if the file exist, the adjustment takes effect. If the file is in absence (incl. by deleting or renaming it), the adjustment is turned-OFF and the mod switch back to the default behaviour.

The file that behaving as a switch must be stored within a specific folder. You should put all these switch files at the following folder path:


N00b Guide: (if you think you're smart, skip this)
·         Open your Android File Manager.
(Still don't know what "File Manager" is?
Skip this entire section.)
·         Choose "internal sdcard" as your starting root folder.
·         Browse then tap on "Android" folder.
·         Browse then tap on "data" folder.
·         Browse then tap on "com.com2us.acefishing.normal.freefull.google.global.android.common" folder.
·         Browse then tap on "files" folder.
·         This is the location where you should put the switch file.

These switch files no need to having a content. Some good Android File Manager apps has a "New" menu to create new file or folder at current selected folder. You just tap on such "New" menu, select "File" to create a new file, give it a new name as switch filename that will described below, and voila! It's done. If your File Manager has no such "New" feature, you can do a little trick by copying a file from different folder (search it by yourself) with relatively small in size (0-1kb is nice) and rename it.

Ok, now we have to give that each switch file a name so they can detected by the modded game and activating the adjustment. so, what's the name?
·         mod-bonus-big.flag
Increase additional big fish chance up to 65% regardless of your equipment's configuration. With perfect casting, you get up to 80% in total. Why 80%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
·         mod-bonus-rare.flag
Increase additional rarity chance up to 27% regardless of your equipment's configuration. Why 27%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
·         mod-bonus-gold.flag
Increase additional gold bonus up to 75% regardless of your equipment's configuration. Why 75%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
·         mod-bonus-exp.flag
Increase additional exp bonus up to 75% regardless of your equipment's configuration. Why 75%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
·         mod-bonus-stun.flag
Increase power gauge bonus up to 50% regardless of your equipment's configuration.
Activating this may NOT detected by the game server.
·         mod-bonuses.flag
Activating all switches described above with only one switch.
·         mod-break-low.flag
Allow fishing line to break at low tension.
·         mod-break-high.flag
Allow fishing line to break at high tension.
·         mod-break-over.flag
Allow fishing line to break when reaching the line's length.
·         mod-wild-2x.flag
Catch the wild fish with only 2 attempts. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
·         mod-wild-3x.flag
Catch the wild fish with only 3 attempts. If the above switch also defined, this switch will takes effect. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
·         mod-wild-rand35.flag
Catch the wild fish with 3-5 attempts randomly. If the above switches also defined, this switch will takes effect. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
·         mod-wild-rand68.flag
Catch the wild fish with 6-8 attempts randomly. If the above switches also defined, this switch will takes effect. Please note, activating this MAY OR MAY NOT detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.


I put the custom mod development on hold. Custom mod uses lots of codes and often I need about two weeks to finish it; a week for writting whole codes, a day or two to find new counter-measures if any, and the rest for testings.

I usually writting all these codes at night, spent about 3-6 hours a day, except at Saturday and Sunday. As you may see, I'm a busy person, doing lot of things for living.

Because of that, often I can't catch the dateline meanwhile the developer of this game start to playing smarty by periodically releasing new updates within a week or two to prevent people catching the new mod build. To deal with such strategy, I decide to create the Lite Mod version, smaller in codes and need less time for testing. The Custom Mod version hopefully may available after the developer runs out their idea of what features should presence at the next release, or after each update has no or very small changes on its core codes.

If you find something strange when playing the game, even when you play with the original one, please do check the following applications does not installed and running on the background:
·         Game Hacker
·         Game Hacker v2
·         Game Killer
·         xxAssistant

<reserved for additional infos>

Have fun & enjoy fishing!
- Madman
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